Proper Freight Packaging: Banding and Stretch Wrapping of Pallets
Properly securing your items on a pallet is essential. Typically, this is accomplished with bands or shrink wrap. In this video, our expert explains how to perform proper packaging using both banding and stretch wrapping methods.
Here are some quick tips covered in the video that can help you properly package your freight for shipment:
- Use at least two straps for banding.
- Loop straps through the forks of the pallet.
- Tighten or ratchet straps in place.
- Ensure shrink wrap is tight and extends to the pallet.
Sarah Thompson: I'm Sarah Thompson with Freightquote, and I'm joined with Ryan Baldi, terminal manager for Dayton Freight. He's here to go through the dos and don'ts of proper freight packing. Ready to go Ryan?
Ryan Baldi: Let's go!
[Onscreen text: Banding and Stretch Wrapping]
Thompson: Today we're going to go through the importance of banding, stretch wrapping and load protection for your freight. These are all important items to make sure that your freight delivers properly. Ryan, can you show us exactly what correct banding looks like?
Baldi: Yes, this pallet right here is very tight. The banding is metal banding, it's crimped up and it's tightened down with a machine. And then you have the banding on the side [which] keeps the product from moving in and out. You also have this nice, sturdy wood that's on top. It keeps everything secure and tight.
Thompson: Alright, can you show us an example of one that doesn't work?
Baldi: Yes. We have this pallet here. They did a good job of separating out the levels. The problem is the banding isn't tight, everything can be moved. The product can be moved, the levels can be moved underneath it. So, this creates a big problem. Then you also have all the weight over on one side and the other side is a little empty. When it goes down the road, everything's going to shift and move and eventually the whole thing is just going to fall on the floor.
Thompson: What do you recommend they do on something like this instead?
Baldi: First of all, they used some plastic banding, nylon banding, with metal product. They should have used some metal banding. That will keep it down secure longer. Really they should have a pallet that is the same width as their product. That way you can take the banding and you can go on both sides to keep it tied down and secure. Keeping everything secure within the confines of the pallet is going to keep it safe.
Thompson: Can you show us a couple of examples of how stretch wrapping works?
Baldi: Yeah, this is a great example. They took the stretch wrap and it's very tight all the way around the pallet. They spun the wrap around to make a banding effect. They came over the top in a crisscross pattern to keep everything secure on top, and it's also attached to the pallet. That keeps it stable and it won't move anywhere.
This one here, the shrink wrap is really really loose. It doesn’t come all the way down to the pallet. Then you've got a pallet that's got some nails protruding from it. It doesn't go around the pallet on all sides, so what will happen if the truck stops too fast everything could slide right off.
Thompson: Ryan, thank you for your time today, we really appreciate it.
Baldi: My pleasure.
Thompson: For more Freightquote videos, visit Freightquote.com.