Test your dry van shipping IQ

enero 12, 2022

Dry van shipping is one of, if not the most popular and sought-after freight transportation methods. Shippers strongly prefer this method due to the high availability and numerous advantages of having an enclosed trailer during the transportation process. Dry van shipping is ideal for any type of freight that does not need to be temperature-controlled while being transported.

With the dry van option, large amounts of cargo can be easily shipped together, as this method is the most convenient way to transport goods such as clothing items, plastic, building products and non-perishable foods. More specifically, it’s the first choice for transporting items that could easily be damaged when exposed to the effects of weather. 

However, dry van shipping is not restricted to one particular industry – it’s an essential part of almost every supply chain. Are you planning to a book a dry van shipment in the near future? 

Test your Freightquote IQ

Answer the quetsions in the infographic below and put your dry van shipping knowledge to the test.

  1. What is the fastest, most reliable route?
  2. Is this a single or team shipment?
  3. Does your provider have available capacity to pick up and deliver your goods?
  4. Do you trust your driver?
  5. Who is coordinating all the moving parts?

Test your dry van FQ IQ

Final thoughts

How do you think you did? In case you missed it, check out the answer key on the bottom of our dry van shipping infographic and share your results! 

Bonus question: What freight service provider can help you filter through options to find the single best solution for your situation and be the key to your shipping success? That’s right, it’s Freightquote by C.H. Robinson! 

Freightquote’s state of the art technology helps you track your shipments while providing you with experts who are available to answer all your freight shipping questions.


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