Godiva freight shipping: Chocolate covered USA.

febrero 7, 2013

Valentine’s Day is all about love, but have you ever thought about the logistics? Americans will purchase 48 million pounds of chocolate in the days leading up to February 14th. It takes heart-felt effort to get these chocolates to you and your special someone.

Specialty chocolatier Godiva, looks to Freightquote by C.H. Robinson to ship their premium chocolates and truffles across the United States.


Start planning early.

Starting in December, Freight Broker Sarah Carter, works vigorously with Godiva to keep the chocolates on the move. To prepare for Valentine’s Day, Sarah works nights and weekends managing the loads of chocolates as they move from Godiva’s distribution center in Orefield, PA to store shelves, in time for your celebration. Sarah takes extra care to make sure Godiva’s chocolates reach store shelves ready for Valentine’s Day.


Refrigerated shipping.

Sarah takes extra care to make sure Godiva’s chocolates reach store shelves ready for Valentine’s Day. All chocolates are shipped on pallets in refrigerated trucks. Keeping the chocolates set at a consistent temperature of 28⁰ C for the duration of transit ensures they remain in flawless. Even in the winter cold it’s important they are shipped frozen so the chocolates arrive in peak condition. 


Celebrating Valentine’s day.

Most shipments are long weekend hauls from the east coast to the west coast. While preparing for Valentine’s Day, Godiva has extended hours for pickup which allows for many trucks to pick up in one day.  Sarah works very closely with Godiva to book appointments for each pickup and delivery to meet this strict appointment schedule.

Freightquote’s extensive network of certified carriers helps make this happen. We utilize our numerous relationships with truck drivers and carriers to help meet these firm deadlines.

All of this careful planning ensures you have the sweets you need for your sweetheart.  “I love knowing that my hard work helps people celebrate,” said Sarah. “Godiva is an excellent partner and an integral part of Valentine’s Day.


Freightquote is delighted to be matched with Godiva to help bring Valentine’s Day to you.  If you are a freight shipper and want exceptional service please call us at 800.323.5441 or get free quotes now.

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