Sign up to haul with C.H. Robinson
Register as a contract carrier to book loads from the largest provider in North America.
Create a Navisphere Carrier account
Set up a Navisphere Carrier account so you can find, offer, book, manage, and get paid on loads.
Recover your forgotten username
Retrieve the forgotten username associated with the email address and T-code on your account.
Get a link to reset your password by providing the username on your account.
Frequently asked questions
Sign up to haul for C.H. Robinson through Highway, a streamlined registration process designed to get you on the road faster. Click here to get started. Simply follow the prompts, which will explain what documents you need to get set up as a contract carrier.
Creating a Navisphere Carrier account is quick and easy. Simply fill out the details on the registration page and hit submit. Once approved, you’re all set to find, offer, book, haul and get paid on loads. Navisphere Carrier supports your business wherever you are with more loads than any other provider in North America.
If you haven’t registered for an account yet, you’ll need to first create one by registering your email (link registration page). If you have an existing account, you can reset your password by using the Forgot Password option on the login page and receive guided instructions to reset via email.
The Navisphere Carrier app gives you the power to find the freight you want, make offers and book instantly. To get started, tap find loads, all available loads within 100 miles show up and list format. To get more info, tap anywhere on that load to view additional details. If you like a load, hit book then simply assign a driver, into your tractor and trailer number and tap book load to complete.
Interested in a load and want to make an offer? Select make offer to propose a new rate. You'll receive a response within seconds. If you want to see the status of loads have made an offer on or a history of your bids, tap the “My Offers” tab to review. You can watch a how-to video of this here.
You can always see the loads you booked by tapping the “My Loads” screen in the Navisphere Carrier app and filter by three statuses: booked, assigned, and in transit. If you don't see these options, just tap the eye icon. If you'd rather see the loads on the map, just hit the map icon. Select any combination to see corresponding loads on the map. For example: with booked selected zoom in or select the location icons to see more details about your loads in that area. The list icon will take you back to the list view anytime. You can watch a how-to video of this here.
Connect your ELD/GPS by visiting our carrier tracking set up page. From there, find the way you’d like to connect and follow the instructions included. We’re strongly committed to helping carriers keep clear control of their own data. We only track information specific to each load so that shippers can have a clear understanding of where their goods are. Once a load is marked as delivered, tracking stops immediately. Here’s a quick and easy guide to data transparency.
Hay varios motivos por los cuales no se haya efectuado el pago de una carga. Los motivos más comunes son los siguientes:
C.H. Robinson contract carriers are expected to provide digital track and trace updates at the following time frames throughout the life of a load:
Vea nuestras guías para obtener información sobre las actualizaciones de seguimiento y mucho más.
Escuche historias de éxito y vea nuestros videos de Navisphere.
Calcule los márgenes con nuestra calculadora de rentabilidad
Utilice el rastreador del sistema de procesamiento previo a la llegada (Pre-Arrival Processing System, PAPS) para buscar un número de PAPS para la carga que se mueve de Canadá a los Estados Unidos.
Utilice el rastreador del sistema de revisión previa a la llegada (Pre-Arrival Review System, PARS) para buscar un número PARS para la carga que se mueve de los Estados Unidos a Canadá.
Utilice la búsqueda de Aviso de Cruce (AVC) para buscar un número de Aviso de Cruce para la carga que se mueve desde el otro lado de la frontera entre EE. UU. y México.