Easily connect your tracking device to improve your Carrier Advantage Program status and access the most freight among all providers in North America.
Click on your provider below to connect
From your Geotab portal, generate integration view only credentials.
Instructions (you may skip steps 1 & 2 if you have a VLV account with Omnitracs):
Next steps:
After submitting the required info, PeopleNet will process and enable the integration within a few days and notify C.H. Robinson afterwards. Please email CHRIntegrations@chrobinson.comCHRIntegrations@chrobinson.com if you have any questions.
Setup your EDI connection to provide automated tracking. Speak to your C.H. Robinson capacity rep to get a project submitted.
Request EDI projectCreate a hassle-free digital experience using a free application programming interface (API) connection.
API tracking expectationsGet help with issues pertaining to your status or load scores.
We’re strongly committed to helping carriers keep clear control of their own data. We only track information specific to each load so that shippers can have a clear understanding of where their goods are. Once a load is marked as delivered, tracking stops immediately. Here’s a quick and easy guide to data transparency.