On-Demand Webinar

Streamline Your Northern Border Crossings: Best Practices to Reduce Costly Delays

September 29, 2023 at 1:00 PM UTC

Connect with an expert

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The northern cross-border market is changing more frequently—and faster—than ever before. Use the strategies discussed in this free, on-demand webinar to better understand cross-border shipping.

Our experts offer the latest market updates, shipping opportunities to consider, and best practices that add efficiency to northern border crossings. Use the information presented in the webinar to strategically plan capacity and adapt your processes for today’s changing market.

Hot topics from the webinar

  • Trends in cross-border trucking
  • Nearshoring opportunities and benefits
  • Timing considerations at the Canadian border
  • Strategies for smooth U.S. and Canada customs clearances

You will hear from

  • Marco Romano
    Marco Romano Vice President North American Surface Transportation
  • Brittney Lubinsky
    Brittney Lubinsky Product Development Manager (U.S.)
  • Brad Hogeterp
    Brad Hogeterp Product Development Manager (Canada)