On-Demand Webinar

Growing Shipping Volumes: Expanded Opportunities through Drop Trailer

May 1, 2023 at 4:00 PM UTC

Connect with an expert

Streamline your existing asset strategy with drop trailers

Whether you face low volume lanes, unpredictable demand patterns, or are simply up against the natural evolution of the freight market, drop trailer services can help align your peak/surge shipping needs.

During this 15-minute webinar, you will hear directly from an industry-leading shipping expert on ways drop trailer can improve even your most challenging volumes. Discover a full spectrum of committed capacity options that can help close the gap on your existing asset strategy.

Connect with an expert today

You will learn:

  • Trailer pool planning tips
  • How to prep for the next upcycle in the market
  • Advantages of including a third party provider in your drop trailer execution

You will hear from:

Adam McDonough
Adam McDonough Vice President, Committed Assets

This webinar is hosted in the English language.