Updated Guidance: Steel and Aluminum Derivative Tariffs – Effective March 12, 2025

  • Effective Date: March 12, 2025
  • Affected Regions: North America | Europe & UK | Latin America | Asia | South Asia | Africa | Middle East | Oceania
  • Advisory Type: Tariff

Dear Valued Customer,

On March 11, 2025, in Cargo Systems Messaging Service (CSMS) U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) issued two notices confirming the Secretary of Commerce has certified the collection process that “adequate systems are in place to fully, efficiently, and expediently process and collect tariff revenue for covered articles.” 

With this confirmation, the 25 percent tariff will be imposed on certain imports of steel and aluminum articles, as well as steel and aluminum derivative articles from all countries is effective 12:01 a.m. Eastern time on March 12, 2025.  This includes steel and aluminum derivatives outside of Chapters 73 and 76.

In the pre-notice of the Federal Register which will be published on March 14, 2025, it does not clarify an effective date of this change.  Instead, the Federal Register notice references the Presidential Proclamations from February 10, 2025, which call for an effective date “upon public notification of the Secretary of Commerce.”


Thank you for being a Valued Customer.  If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your C. H. Robinson commercial representative for further information.


C. H. Robinson