The C.H. Robinson Foundation

Discover the ways we support our communities—and the world.

Meaningful work that moves us

The C.H. Robinson Foundation contributes to organizations that make a positive impact on our people, communities, industry, and planet. Through general operating and program grants to nonprofit organizations, our approach to giving is informed by community input, partner dialogue, and regional needs.

Strategic Industry Grants

We support nonprofit organizations that are committed to helping the supply chain and logistics industry thrive, funding organizations that:

  • Support carriers and drivers
  • Diversify the supply chain and logistics workforce
  • Provide education in transportation and logistics
  • Support environmental sustainability in transportation and logistics

Twin Cities Grant Program

We help strengthen the Minneapolis-St. Paul metropolitan area by providing general operating and program grants in these focus areas:

  • Hunger
  • Shelter
  • K-12 Education
  • Workforce development

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Grant Program

We aspire to foster equal opportunities and promote inclusivity, and proudly support organizations focused on removing barriers and creating opportunities for all in these focus areas:

  • Gender equity
  • Income equality
  • Educational equity
  • Mental health equity

Robinson Cares

Fueled by our worldwide network, Robinson Cares is our employee-driven philanthropy. Thinking globally and acting locally to strengthen impact in their communities, our employees respond to needs with a broad scope of programs, including:

  • Volunteerism and giving
  • Employee Match Program
  • Global Employee Relief Fund

C.H. Robinson Foundation frequently asked questions

The C.H. Robinson Foundation helps strengthen our community—from the greater metropolitan area of Minneapolis-St. Paul, to across the globe. Learn about our focus areas and how to submit a letter of inquiry.

Q: What are the Foundation focus areas?

We provide funding in four grant program areas:

  • Strategic industry grants that help the supply chain and logistics industry thrive
  • Diversity, equity and inclusion grants that foster equal opportunities and promote inclusivity
  • Twin Cities grants that strengthen our hometown in Minneapolis-Saint Paul
  • Employee-driven philanthropy through Robinson Cares, our signature giving and volunteer program

Q: What are the eligibility requirements?

In addition to alignment with the focus areas listed above, your organization must be a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt charitable organization, war veterans post or organization, cemetery company, or governmental unit.

We do not fund:

  • Organizations that are political or religious in nature—grants to organizations with religious affiliation may be considered on an exception basis, but only if the grant will be used for non-religious purposes1
  • Core K-12 education curriculum in schools (public, private, or charter) 2
  • Individuals or crowdsourced fundraising for individuals (GoFundMe, etc.)
  • Annual fundraisers or event sponsorships
  • Sporting teams or events

Q: How do I apply?

We use Grants Connect, a YourCause grants management portal. While the application process may differ by program, applicants can expect a streamlined process designed to minimize effort for nonprofit staff. The process is outlined below.

  1. Eligible applicants will be provided with a link to access the portal.
  2. You will login to an existing profile, or create an organization profile if this is your first application.
  3. Complete eligibility form.
  4. Complete letter of inquiry.

Eligible applicants will be notified of the status of the letter of inquiry and, if approved, will be invited to submit a complete grant application.

For support with Grants Connect, please contact

Additional resources for applicants: Applicant Portal Help Center |

Q: What is the grant cycle and timeline?

Grant cycles fluctuate annually. Refer to this page for updates.

Grant program Timeline Letter of intent (LOI) due Application due Notification
Twin Cities Grants April—August April 1 May 20 August
DEI Grants July—September July 1 August 12 September
Strategic Industry Grants August—October August 5 September 8 October

Q: What are the reporting requirements?

We ask for a brief report on the use of funds, including:

  • Progress toward grant deliverables as defined in the previous application
  • Status update on relevant organizational developments
  • Program outputs, outcomes and impact to community and people served
  • Key learnings

Q: How is the Foundation governed?

Established in 2005, the C.H. Robinson Foundation is a Minnesota nonprofit corporation as described in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. The Foundation is funded by C.H. Robinson and creates a long-term resource for giving back to our communities through the support of other Section 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations. The budget is determined and approved by the Foundation board of directors, led by Rachel Schwalbach, Vice President, Environmental, Social & Governance and President of the C.H. Robinson Foundation. We work with a trust company that provides checks and balances while ensuring compliance with Internal Revenue Service guidelines and corporate tax law.


  1. Religious organizations must provide a non-religious community service or program (e.g., school, food pantry, or homeless shelter), and the donation must be given for the purposes of this service or program. The service must be provided to people without regard to their religious belief, and persons served cannot be required to learn about religion or attend religious services to receive assistance.
    Some Section 501(c)(3) charitable organizations provide non-partisan services or programs regardless of political affiliation where persons served cannot be required to align with a political party to receive assistance and those programs are eligible for support from the Foundation.

  2. While the Foundation does not fund K-12 schools, we do fund organizations that ensure equitable access to education, out of school time programs, STEM education and youth mentoring. Other programs serving the educational needs of K-12 students may also considered.

  3. All are welcome here. We ask that applicants commit to our values and principles for diversity, equity and inclusion.

    The C.H. Robinson Foundation strives to work alongside and support partner organizations that reflect and promote diversity, equity and inclusion into their work, governance boards and staff. We value the role of equity in the delivery of services to communities and people who have experienced discrimination and marginalization or have been underserved.

    To be eligible for funding, and in carrying out the project, the grantee will comply with all applicable federal and state statutes and local laws relating to nondiscrimination. Applicants will be asked to confirm that the organization’s employment and service practices comply.
  4. C.H. Robinson Foundation reserves the right to update or change eligibility requirements based on evolving Foundation priorities and community needs.