Explore what we can achieve through innovation, generosity, and a passion for change.
total charitable giving in 2024 from company and C.H. Robinson Foundation
contributed by employees to 1125 non-profit organizations in 2024
hours volunteered in 2024
scholarships awarded in 2024 to employees, contract carriers, or their dependents
Robinson Cares is fueled by a worldwide network of enthusiastic C.H. Robinson employees who think globally and act locally to strengthen impact in their communities. We respond to community needs with a broad scope of programs, including volunteerism and employee donations.
We proudly support organizations focused on removing barriers and creating opportunities for all. Through strategic grants we support St. Christopher Truckers Relief Fund, Truckers Against Trafficking, Women in Trucking Association Foundation, and more.
We believe in empowering ambitious minds and making education accessible to all. The global C.H. Robinson Foundation Scholarship Program awards 50 scholarships in the amount of $5,000 to employees, carriers, and their dependents. Administered by Scholarship America, applications are accepted January through February each year.
We support the causes our people are passionate about and help deepen their impact. Whether mentoring a student, stocking food shelves, or biking to cure MS, we match each employees’ time and giving to qualified nonprofits, up to $10,000 annually.
We care about the health and well-being of our employees through the global C.H. Robinson Foundation Employee Relief Fund. When tragedy strikes or a crisis is unavoidable, we provide financial assistance to employees.